Posted September 21, 2010 by i movie girl in Life

Five Free Time Management Tools


In a previous post, I asked the question, “Do you need more time?”

I realize it’s a question with an obvious answer. Of course, we all need more time; our 24-hour/day allotment is not enough.

Maybe Henry DeTamble (Eric Bana) from the movie, The Time Traveler’s Wife (Dir. Robert Schwentke) can go back in time, but we can’t.

What kinds of choices are you making with your time?

All we get is one day at a time, this moment. What we do with these present moments matters more than all the money in the world. Each moment is precious, yet most times we don’t act like it. We over commit ourselves and oftentimes underscore what really matters in our lives.

If you need help managing your time, I hope these five free time management tools help. Enjoy!

1) How are you using each moment of the day? Use the Schedule from Study Guides and Stategies and find out.


2) Do you waste time looking for important papers? Try Evernote.


3) Manage all your tasks with Remember the Milk.


4) How much time do you spend using your computer? Find out with Rescue Time. (Solo access is free).


5) Organize your favorites with Net Visualize.


i movie girl