Posted February 2, 2012 by i movie girl in Life

Mc Donald’s: No More ‘Pink Slime’ Chemical in Hamburgers


McDonald’s confirmed that it no longer uses the ‘pink slime’ chemical (ammonium hydroxide) in its hamburgers. This chemical is also used in fertilizers, household cleaners, and even homemade explosives, yet the U.S. Agriculture Department classifies this chemical as “generally recognized as safe.”

How can this chemical be safe?

According to celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, 70% of ground beef sold in America usesĀ  this pink slime substance to sanitize inedible meat that is used to make ground beef.

Is it just me or does this blatant disregard for human life remind you of the movie Soylent Green (Richard Fleischer, director) starring Charlton Heston. In this futuristic suspense thriller, the state created a food source (a thin, green wafer) using a horrific ingredient, unbeknownst to the population.

If you haven’t seen Soylent Green, rent it. I won’t tell you the mystery ingredient in the wafer, you’ll have to wait until the end of the movie to find out.

For more informaton about the McDonald’s discontinued use of ‘pink slime’ and for a list of other questionable chemicals in our food: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/mcdonald-confirms-no-longer-using-pink-slime-chemicals-171209662.html (This link also includes the video by Jamie Oliver).

For more information about Soylent Green: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070723/



i movie girl